Currently, our Solo plan comes with 3 premium canvases and unlimited free canvases.
Free canvases have a 3-day commenting window from creation for leaving and receiving new comments. After that window, the canvases go into read-only mode and you're able to view all existing comments but cannot leave new ones. Premium canvases will have no time limitations.
To enable commenting on an expired canvas, you have to switch the canvas from a free canvas to a premium canvas in your Pastel dashboard.
You'll see your canvas has three dots on the right-hand side. Click the three dots to access the drop-down menu and you should see the option to 'switch to premium'. Click that option, and your canvas will now be converted to a premium canvas, and have unlimited commenting time.
You can reactivate any Free canvas at any time for commenting by switching it to a premium canvas, enabling you to get more feedback with an unlimited commenting time.