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Editing Text in a Canvas

Edit text and make copy suggestions directly on top of your website in a canvas.

Valentin Staykov avatar
Written by Valentin Staykov
Updated over a week ago

In a canvas, you can now edit any text element on your page to help make reviewing and gathering feedback even easier.

How to Edit Text

  1. To get started, click on the text you’d like to edit/change.

  2. You’ll see the option to "Suggest text changes" pop up above the comment box. When you select this option, you will be able to edit or change that selected text to your updated text.

  3. You can opt to cancel the changes or save your suggested changes.

    1. Note: On our Studio and Enterprise plans, you can select if this text edit is visible to everyone who has access to the canvas, or only to your team members by selecting Seen by: Everyone OR Team at the top of the canvas.

  4. This edit is then saved as a regular comment and will be organized in the sidebar with all your other comments.

How to View Edited Text

  1. Head to the comment sidebar on the left side of your canvas to view your text edits.

  2. Click on that comment to directly view on the canvas page:

    1. The Before view (the initial unedited text)

    2. The After view ( the suggested text edits or changes)

  3. Flipping between the Before and After view will visibly show you if the text was deleted or edited, or when new text was added.

    1. Tip: Click the "Copy edited text" button located under the Before and After view to quickly copy and paste the new text into your original site.

  4. You and your team can view the edits, leave replies, add labels, and export that edited text, just like you would a normal comment.

Those are the basics of editing a text element! Check it out on one of your canvases here.

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